Events, meetings, discussions, and voting

with Townhall makes it easy and fun.

Parti Townhall inspire participants to engage democratic decision making with ease and fun
How is it organized?

Staff mode where event organizers set Townhall up and manage polls


Participant mode where participant vote and give comments on their smartphone or PC


Live Dashboard where enable you to display participant's opinion and poll results instantly on event presentation screen

What's the features?

Parti Townhall enhance participation and
concentration through visualising
participant opinion instantly
Poll - Realtime
Poll - Confirmation
Rating Poll
Multi Choice Poll
Let participants express their opinions freely to find the best one.
Participants vote for one or multiple from suggested options.
Your vote feeds into the Confirmation Poll by pushing the button "Vote".
Try it for the final decision.
Choose the preferred one between two sides with empathic listening.
Everyone can hands-on feedback instantly during the event.
Send presenters cheering hands.
Never get bored of events
and It's like a scene of the coolest TV show
Share their opinion and question in real time,
led to more interactive discussion.
Vote a score on their perference of the opinion.
It enable to decide priority of execution.
Use it when you need intuitive voting,
easy-to-analyze data collection.
Try eSignature and make the final decision.
You can write description for eSignature
and download eSignature data.
It is used when you want to check participant information in advance or check actual participants.
The button name can be freely set by the creator
Issues you want to inform participants can be made in the form of questions and answers.
Only real-time quizzes are available on the dashboard.

Secret voting Nobody know for sure

blind townhall
Different to Anonymos poll
Ensure to check only participants information and number of participants without personal votes

You can download participant information and participation data

Data Download
You can download data (csv, xls) and results reports (pdf) for business results verification.
When do you use it?
Townhalls can be used if you need events that share and discuss with participants to reflect on your decision-making, and if you need online e-voting and mass voting.
rank voting
Brain Storming
Online Education Tool
Online e-voting
yea or nay
secret ballot
사회적협동조합 빠띠 | 이사장: 권오현 | 등록번호: 278-82-00201 | 통신판매번호 : 2020-서울서대문-0767 | 주소: 서울시 서대문구 수색로 43 2층 사회적경제마을자치센터 | 전화: 070-7610-6417 | Email:
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