Parti Townhall plan

Reasonable Parti Townhall plan and functions
Up to 30 participants
Poll / Rating Poll / Multi Choice Poll
Battle / Suggestion / Cheering / Attendance
Poll / Rating Poll / Multi Choice Poll
Townhall Participation Rule
Anonymous / Nickname
name / Phone Number / E-mail /
SMS authentication / Email authentication / Invitation
Advanced features
Participants show Real-time Dashboard / Participants show Description
Additional Participants Info
Participants Download Result Data / Report Data DownLoad
Period of use
Up to 7 days
Event (70% discounts for nonprofits)
basic 100 / 50 people added
Poll / Weighted Poll / Rating Poll / Multi Choice Poll
Battle / Suggestion / Cheering / Attendance / Network
Townhall Participation Rule
Anonymous / Nickname
name / Phone Number / E-mail /
Email authentication / Invitation
SMS authentication
Advanced features
Participants show Real-time Dashboard / Participants show Description
Additional Participants Info
Participants Download Result Data / Report Data DownLoad
Period of use
Up to 1 months
1,000 / per user (VAT excluded)
minimum: KRW 100,000 / 100 participants
added 50,000 won per 50 participants
70% discounts for nonprofits
online e-voting
basic 1,000 / 1,000 people added
Poll / Weighted Poll / Rating Poll / Multi Choice Poll
Battle / Suggestion / Cheering / Attendance / Network
Townhall Participation Rule
Anonymous / Nickname
name / Phone Number / E-mail /
Email authentication / Invitation
SMS authentication
Advanced features
Participants show Real-time Dashboard / Participants show Description
Additional Participants Info
Participants Download Result Data / Report Data DownLoad
Period of use
Up to 2 months
300 / per user (VAT excluded)
minimum: KRW 300,000 / 1,000 participants
added 300,000 won per 1,000 participants

알림 은 투표 시작일, 종료 하루 전, 종료일에 명부로 등록된 참여자에게 알림톡 또는 문자로 발송됩니다.

타운홀 1회 이용에 해당하는 요금 이며, 요금제 변경은 각 타운홀 내에서도 가능합니다.

빠띠 비영리 지원 프로그램 은 공공기관이나 영리 기업의 행사를 주최하는 경우는 지원하지 않습니다.

후불결제나 세금계산서가 필요하신 경우, 분기또는 연 단위 결제가 필요하신 경우 로 연락 주세요. 후불결제는 견적서가 선 발행되며, 타운홀 종료 후 세금계산서가 발행됩니다.

Charged Plan Features

Add Staff

You can collaborate with others

Private Townhall

You can choose only pre-registered participants can enter the Townhall

Townhall expiration date

The event can be held for up to 2 months from the start of the event. (Free: 7 days)

Gather Personal data

Participants' names and phone numbers can be collected and utilized if they agree.

Download Data

You can download data (csv, xls) and results reports (pdf) for business results verification.

사회적협동조합 빠띠 | 이사장: 권오현 | 등록번호: 278-82-00201 | 통신판매번호 : 2020-서울서대문-0767 | 주소: 서울시 서대문구 수색로 43 2층 사회적경제마을자치센터 | 전화: 070-7610-6417 | Email:
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